Tilehurst Globe

Reading Adopt Your Street

The Reading Adopt Your Street (RAYS) programme enables individuals, community groups and organisations, such as schools and scout groups, to select a street, open space, park or shopping area to keep tidy through regular clean-ups with the support of Reading Borough Council.

The Council successfully applied for £10,000 of funding to launch RAYS through the Tesco Bags of Help initiative after a number of groups enquired about getting more involved in community clean-up projects. The council will provide litter picking equipment, plastic bags, gloves and high-vis jackets to support RAYS.

For more information EMAIL: RAYS@reading.gov.uk

RAYS Statement of Commitment

This agreement is in honour only and not a legally binding contract of employment.

Report to the Project Coordinator any injury incurred by any participant during clean-up activities. The injury will be reported within two working days of the incident and shall include:

Reading Borough Council agrees to:
1. Supply litter picking equipment - safety vest, litter bags, gloves and litter pickers.
2 .Provide third party liability insurance for any injury and property damage arising out of the activities of this program as long as the guidelines in the Safe Guide to Litter Picking (below) has been followed.
3. If agreed with the volunteer(s) supply and install a Reading Adopt Your Street (RAYS) sign with the adopter’s name or group’s name on it. The sign will be placed in an agreed area once the RAYS project reaches March 2018.
4. Collect litter picking equipment - safety vests, litter bags, gloves and litter pickers, either at the end of the RAYS project or as agreed with the volunteer if their circumstances change and their participation in RAYS ends earlier.
5. Keep your personal data safe and not share it with anyone outside of the RAYS team.

If you would like to join as a volunteer with RAYS please fill in the form and send it in: click here to register with the RAYS scheme

Record your activities, number of bags collected, people involved, dates of the collections and include any problems and/or report items

Safe Guide to Litter Picking

Review the clean-up route/location.

Take note of any areas of concern or potential danger, such as high traffic areas or locations where there is limited vision of approaching traffic.

Supervise minors. Ensure there is a responsible adult present to supervise minors.

Check equipment. Make sure you have all the required tools and equipment to complete the task safely and efficiently and that it is in good working order.

Watch for cars and other vehicles, drivers may not expect to see volunteers working, obey all traffic regulations including signal and traffic lights, use pedestrian crossings and footpaths. Work on one side of the street at a time facing on-coming traffic.

Handle litter carefully: Volunteers MUST NOT handle hazardous litter. Objects such as car batteries, broken glass, needles, human/animal waste or chemicals should be reported to the Council.

If possible work in pairs and always look out for each other.

Keep a mobile phone handy or know where the nearest phone is located.

Clothing: Always wear a safety vest and gloves, wear suitable footwear – no open toes, dress according to the weather, do not use headphones

Remember: Avoid horseplay, no drink or drugs and take an adequate supply of water.

Where possible avoid slippery slopes and leaning over bodies of water.

If we all do a little then together we will change a lot.

For more information EMAIL: RAYS@reading.gov.uk or tilehurstglobe@hotmail.com